Tadashi Nemoto

💁‍♂️ About


Tadashi Nemoto

Solutions Engineer
CircleCI (Japan)

2021/6 ~ CircleCI, inc(Japan)

Currently working as Solutions Engineer

I technically support customers who are considering to introduce CircleCI in Japan.


2020/6 ~ 2021/5 Exawizards, inc.

I worked as DevOps/Platform Engineer at Exawizards, inc. Work mainly improving Continuous Delivery / Continuous Integration / Continuous Testing GitHub Actions / Hashicorp Nomad / Kubernetes / AWS(EKS, ECS, CDK)

  • Introduce GitHub Actions(self-hosted runner on AWS) in order to replace Jenkins
  • Improve deployment flow(GitLab Flow) for better deployment frequency
  • Introduce SonarCloud(Cloud hosted version of SonarQube) in order to analyze code, get test coverage, and give feedback to developers continuously
  • Introduce CI/CD for mobile project(GitHub Actions)



2016/4 ~ 2020/5 Mercari, inc.

I first joined as Web Developer and then changed my role to SET(Software Engineer in Test) / QA Automation Engineer.

In 2019

